Indian Corporate Debt Markets – Secondary market issues

The absence of secondary markets for corporate bonds in India is arguably the single most important reason for this market not seeing the kind of growth one would expect.

Indian Corporate Debt Markets – The Demand-Side issues

In this post we analyze the demand-side issues that the Indian corporate debt market wrestles with. Our previous post highlighted the supply-side roadblocks in the development of long term…

Indian Corporate Debt Markets – The Supply-Side Issues

This post takes off from where our article on the current status of Indian debt markets ended. The peculiar issue with the Indian corporate debt market is not that…

Long Term Debt Markets in South Africa: A case study (Part-II)

The evolution of South African debt market can be divided in four phases. Debt market reforms under phase 1 and 2 were covered in the earlier post as part…

Long Term Debt Markets in South Africa: A Case Study (Part-I)

This is the third post in our blog series on Long Term Debt Markets (LTDM) in the Indian context. In this post (and the next one) we discuss the…

Indian Corporate Debt Market: Current Status

This is the second post in our blog series on Long Term Debt Markets in the Indian context.

Why do we need a long-term debt market?

This post marks the beginning of our new blog series on Long Term Debt Markets in the Indian context. In this series we will explore current status of the…