IFMR Capital: The Money Conductors

The latest edition of the Forbes India magazine features a cover story on IFMR Capital. The story traces the origins of IFMR Capital, its evolution over the years and…

The Green Stool Innovation

On Wednesday, we brought together leaders from our Kshetriya Gramin Financial Services (KGFS) companies to talk about best practices from across our operations in Uttarakhand, Orissa and Tamil Nadu….

Shadow banking as the symptom and not the disease

A friend pointed me to an interesting new book recently, “Inside China’s Shadow Banking: the Next Subprime Crisis”. This is written by an investment banker turned shadow banker, Joe…

Who will pay for the payments plumbing?

A recent Economist article says that 70% of Kenyans now use mobile money in some form. The battle against cash is an important one in the larger war against…