IFMR Capital: Recent data on microfinance

Over the last few years, microfinance has attracted a large number of equity and debt investors.

IFMR Capital rated LA- by ICRA

IFMR Capital has been assigned a long-term-rating of LA- (pronounced L A minus) for its debt programmes by ICRA. The…

First Private Wealth Investment in Microfinance Securitisation

IFMR Capital closed its eighth microloan securitisation transaction this week, an INR 370 mn multi-originator securitisation with Delhi-based MFI Satin Creditcare, Rajasthan-based Sahayata Microfinance and Tamil Nadu MFI, Asirvad.

Latest from IFMR Capital

IFMR Capital has crossed two milestones this month – the closing of its seventh securitisation transaction with Janalakshmi Financial Services and the rating upgrade received by IFMR Capital Pioneer…